Sunday, 10 September 2017

Being on the Other Side

It's a strange state of being, when you've been anticipating something for a long time, and you finally emerge on the other side. I am overcome by a sense of euphoria and also disbelief. For many months I have tried to envisage aspects of our new life here. Waking up in our home. Village life. The first day in my new work place. 

It still hasn't quite sunk in, even a month on. I almost expect to open my eyes and find myself back in the midst of transition, with half-packed boxes and chaos strewn across the room. It's been like this with any big change in my life. I remember my pregnancy with each of my children, nine months of wondering who I was carrying inside me, what they'd be like, and afterwards, not quite believing they were really here. And meeting Sewel for the first time after a year of talking online. That didn't seem real either.

One day reality will catch up with me, and I won't think about it any more. But for now, strange as it feels, it's also pretty wonderful to be here at last. On the other side.


  1. Dearest one, I've just caught up with your wondrous writings.
    Life these days, so full to the brim and precious few moments to blog.
    Wonderful Scotland, wonderful you !
    And so much closer. :)
    AML little one,
    A xx

  2. So much closer. Really just a ferry ride away now. Perhaps we can make a meeting happen someday soon xxx
